I would like to take a few minutes to give my sincerest thanks and Gratitude to Dr Bosch.

Meeting her has changed my life, mentally, physically and emotionally.

My health problems are complex. Sciatica with severe sciatic nerve damage, damaged and collapsed disks in my neck, constant migraines, And Trauma from numerous operations for diverticulitis complications. My gut and nervous system was in crisis and the daily pain And nausea is something that cannot be explained to a healthy person.
I also got Trauma Diabetes from all the operations.

I spent 6 years seeking help at GP’s, specialist and dieticians that just were not equipped with the knowledge to help me live a healthy pain free life.
One particularly bad night, instead of searching my conditions, I decided in pure desperation to search Pain management.
And I found Dr Bosch and Philani integrative chronic pain clinic.

I immediately made an appointment and went to see Dr Bosch.
Dr Bosch does not work like a conventional GP or Specialist. Her approach and treatments are completely natural. No harmful drugs, only holistic medicine.
And teaching you how you can literally eat your body healthy. She is an expert at understanding each bone in your body and how the surrounding nerves and connective tissue is going to react with each movement she makes.
She also understands the impact of body trauma to your emotional wellbeing, This is Addressed as well with cranial sacral therapy.

Dr Bosch put me on a three month program which would address my challenges holistically. Within the first week, I felt the treatments making shifts in my body.

First everything hurt, then it became less with each session. Nausea started to go away. And then two weeks in the nausea was gone!

I cannot explain how strange that feels, after 6 years of throwing up daily, its just GONE.

Following the eating plan, my body started aligning itself. I did not miss foods I thought I would. I do not crave any junk food.

Even Coffee (huge lover of Coffee) just did not taste the same and I did not need it. At the end of the first month, I could manage to touch my stomach with out pain,
Before the treatment even just clothes against my skin was painful. My gut became less sensitive to the “trigger foods” on my list that always caused severe cramping

The end of the 2nd month I lost 9kg and overall movement had improved. My neck feels completely different and I have only had one migraine in 60 days!

Dr Bosh does not work like a conventional GP or Specialist. Her approach and treatments are completely natural. No harmful drugs, only holistic medicine

And teaching you how you can literally eat your body healthy. She is an expert at understanding each bone in your body and how the surrounding nerves and connective tissue is going to react with each movement she makes. She also understands the impact of body trauma to your emotional well being,
This is Addressed as well with cranial sacral therapy.
So excited to see the changes at the end of month three!

I cannot thank Dr Bosh enough. I will be eternally grateful to Dr Bosch for her help and Guidance, and cannot wait to continue my journey with her.

Dr Bosch should not stay as the Best Kept Secret 🤫 in East London. Many people should benefit from her passions 🙂