Osteopathic Manual Therapy (OMT)

The word Osteopathy is derived from from Ancient Greek “bone” and “sensitive to” or “responding to”. Dr Andrew Still who brought Osteopathy to the public used this word to ellicit how the dysfunction of structure (skeleton) can affect the function of organs.

The therapy itself is a hands on therapy. The patient is assessed and is then treated using mobilization and gentle manipulations of joints, visceral organs, nervous system, venous system and spine. Some of the methods used are cranial osteopathy as well as soft tissue massage.

The therapy supports the body to regain its optimal function: the practitioner treat the body with the knowing that:

“The body posesses self regulatory mechanisms, having the inherent capacity to defend, repair and remodel itself.” Osteopathic Principle No2

The Dorn Method & Breuss Massage

The Dorn Method is a gentle and safe correction of the misalignments in the spine, the pelvis and other joints. Its a safe manipulation without clicking or crunching the vertebrae back into its natural position. 

The Breuss massage is an intervertebral disc massage that compliments the Dorn Method. Using sensitive energetic manual massage along the spine to dissolve physical, energetic and emotional blockages. This back massage further stretches, energises and regenerates the spine.

Integrative Therapy

The body is a functional unit; an integrated unit of mind body and spirit. ” Osteopathic Principle No1

Integrative Therapy is a comprehensive approach to healthcare that acknowledges the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in promoting overall wellness. At its core lies the recognition that the body functions as a unified entity

A discomfort in the body can be exacerbated by the imbalance in the gut system and foods that are eaten or not eaten. Patients are not always aware of the kinds of food that should be avoided when they have arthritis or other inflammation caused diseases. Nutrition and botanical medicine (herbs) is a essential part of the treatments for our patients. At Philani we guide our patients through a nutritional plan that will be beneficial to them. We work together with other nutritionists when this is required.

Botanical medicine formulations are made for each patient, this means each patient receives herbs that are tailored for their condition/s. Patients choose their preferred way of taking the herbs e.g capsules, tincture or loose tea. The practitioner may also recommend a type of formulation depending on the patient’s ability or inability to absorb the herbs into their system.


Cranial Osteopathy and Cranio Sacral

In the 1800’s Dr Sutherland observed that the skull was not just a single bone, as it was previously perceived by Dr’s of those days. He however, noticed that it has sutures (cracks) which seperate this so called one bone into various bones making the skull to have 22 bones. He further investigated and explored his observation and in his experiments. Using his hands to feel, he perceived a subtle palplable movement within the skull and he connected this movement to the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid.

…the cerebrospinal fluid is one of the highest known elements that are contained in the body, and unless the brain furnishes this fluid in abundance, a disabled condition of the body will remain.” Dr Andrew Still

Cranial osteopathy and Cranio Sacral are similar treatments. They both treat patient by using gentle and subtle movements to manipulate the bones of the skull, the sacrum and bring vitality to the spinal cord and brain enabling the body to have an optimally functioning nervous system.

He who is able to reason will see that this great river of life (the cerebrospinal fluid – ed) must be tapped and the withering field irrigated at once, or the harvest of health be forever lost.”