Manual Therapy during pregnancy

The miracle of motherhood is eloquently expressed when observing how perfectly the female body is designed to conceive, birth, and nurture a child. Pregnant moms can support nature and prepare for a heathy pregnancy and baby with the Dorn Breuss Method especially during the first and second trimester.

For years a few osteopathic researchers have speculated on the effects third-trimester fetal positioning might have on posture as the child grows into adulthood.

The embryo enters the mother’s pelvis in what is medically known as the left occiput anterior (LOA) position. This “normal” primary fetal positioning usually continues throughout labor and delivery. When the baby is lying in the left fetal lie (the head turned left) the head is inferior. The positioning of the baby’s cranium is in a way that during the normal act of walking, maternal acceleration repeatedly forces the baby’s head to translate posteriorly through fetal inertia. Some researchers believe that this constant left sided cerebral stimulation increases neurology activity in the left vestibular apparatus particularly, practically the utricle, allowing for brain stimulation. However in cases where the mother’s spine is not in alignment, the baby misses this stimulation as the head does not get to rub against the lumbar.

The Recti spread…. Not so good news…

As the baby develops, the mother’s rectus abdominis muscles develop a great deal of extensibility (stretch) that is a fundamental part of Mother Natures’s plan. However, a common problem occurs as the recti muscles begin to wander off laterally from the midline, resulting in losing the lumbar support, this then leads to increased lumbar lordosis resulting in low back pain.

Pelvic Alignment and Balance is a must!

As the baby continues to develop, the mother’s uterus enlarges to accommodate the rapid growth. As long as the pelvis is in a balanced state, the ligamentous web attaching the uterus maintains an equalized, supportive antigravity suspension system. Any type of pelvic imbalance where ligaments become torqued and twisted, results in a condition known as uterine constraint which limits the space available for the developing baby. Any compromised position the baby must endure during pregnancy can have some sort of detrimental affect on his or her optimal development, e.g torticolllis.

Also, any position that alters the baby’s correct habitus during birth will slow labor and add pain to both mother and baby.