Visit URL: Philani Natural Health - Newsletter #5

Deep gratitude for the opportunity to attend a gathering at @goodhopegardens hosted by Zanele Bosch of Philani Natural Health, a trained traditional healer and herbalist ??? who shared her with us her connection to the natural realm and her gathered wisdom on communing with plants and opening up to their ability to support, nourish and heal us energetically and physically ??? Light Bianca Vernes Dear Zanele Thank you so much for the wonderful space you created at the workshop. I value all the information you shared with us, and look forward to finding the time and space now to follow through. I loved the interaction we all had with each other, the interesting conversations and the openness of everyone – so willing to share. It was an experience I am happy to tell people about, and look forward to more interaction with you. Thank you, also for the very effective mixture you made specially for me – I have used it all, and it has definitely helped me – I have spent today in bed and am starting to feel better. How did you prepare the ginger and turmeric – just grated and then strained, or did you cook it up? Sent with Love Cheryl Saunders Zanele, I am SO happy that I did your workshop… it has been so amazing to (re)connect with the world of plants and nature beings this way. I loved listening and learning from you, I love your style and the richness of learning, the subtleties of respecting and communicating with plants that you imparted to us. I loved meeting the other wonderful participants. The food and drinks you made were divine (quite literally). I felt so comfortable communicating with ‘my special friend’ … the plant that caught my attention. But the real magic only got more fully realized when I arrived home and noticed for the first time that there is one growing on our property… right in front of where we park! I had to ask for one leaf to put on my alter and later that night I woke up with a really sore tummy and made tea with that leaf… and it sorted out the problem straight away! You were right… the info I picked up from the plant was spot on! I am loving this introduction to this learning… it really was a thorough and beautiful introduction – thank you Zanele for the incredible opportunity and experience 🙂 Vanessa Nixon Dear Zanele Thank you for a very endearing, enriching and encouraging workshop!! You taught from the heart and it was such a blessing to receive the wisdom that has been passed down to you with so much grace. I realize however that this is only the tip of the iceberg and I look forward to doing more workshops with you on this magical plant ride of healing not only our bodies, but the earth too through that wonderful art of respect and love. Much gratitude Cher
If we understood the function of our spine, we would recognize the importance of keeping it aligned. If we knew the impact of a misaligned spine on our muscles and organs, we would ensure that we visit a Dorn Method Practitioner or Chiropractor often. I know little about cars, but I know much about how keeping your spine aligned is as important as servicing your car 🙂 The result of not servicing neither vehicle can lead to the same result … suffering and discomfort.
Care for your body! It is the only one you have in this lifetime.